More on Crisis Investing: Setting the Parameters

“OK, with the world awaiting a Russian invasion of (or, in the best of possible worlds, something more akin to an ‘incursion’ into) Ukraine, the notion of how a crisis can impact the stock market appears most timely.”

Money Laundering in Moscow

“The Russian bank accounts were in all probability a device to move the coins along with the proceeds from their sales. They were, in other words, parts of an elaborate money laundering operation.”

Tracking Radiation in Tomsk

“The poor perpetually pale, impish looking, and spectacled scientist was thrust into a situation I would not want to wish on my worst enemy. “

Estimating Military Strength in Russia

“The most disturbing element of all emerged over the past few days with the amassing of blood and plasma with the 130,000 or so soldiers on the border. So much for calling the assembly merely a military training exercise.”


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