End Times on Wall Street

The end is nigh.

At least it looks that way on Wall Street.

It’s times like this I’m glad that working at home became a thing during COVID-19.

New York City is dealing with the worst air quality in the country’s history.

The city is covered in smoke and it is dangerous for many to go outside.

Combined with rising crime and urban squalor, the Big Apple really isn’t looking attractive right now…

And that brings me to an important point when it comes to securities.

This isn’t real estate.

It’s not about location, location, location.

It’s about value, value, value.

The world is a business and profit wants an out.

Governments and criminals (same thing amirite?) may create obstacles, but nature finds a way.

Heck, even nature itself can create an obstacle sometimes, as we see in New York… but the hunt for profit never steps.

We all have particular loves – our families, countries, faiths, friends, etc.

But when it comes to profits, it’s always important to look at thing from a global, universal perspective.

Look at who is taking advantage and who is losing…

Who is failing to capture profits and who is poised to capture tomorrow.

The future belongs to those who can combine loyalty to their own crew with a cool-eyed view of the global market.

And as we always say at Rogue, we are in this together.

That is how we roll.

Keep Moving,



Air Disaster and GME’s New Master

  • We’re Number One! – New York City has the worst air pollution of any city in the world. The city’s air quality was ranked as “hazardous” as smoke from Canadian wildfires drifted over the city, giving the Big Apple an orange haze.
  • Furlong Out, Cohen In At GME – GME is down big after it fired CEO Matthew Furlong and put in Ryan Cohen as executive chairman. Shares were down almost 20%, especially because the company provided no explanation.

Cohen is a former executive at Chewey and has leaned HEAVILY into the company’s meme stock reputation
  • Smash The Ceiling – JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon gave House Democrats some blunt advice on the debt ceiling. “Get rid of it,” he said. He called its existence an “unmitigated disaster.”

  • Credit Card Crash – Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc. are under pressure as Democrats introduced a bill that would reduce credit card fees by forcing merchants to get a choice of at least two routing networks when payments are made. Senator Dick Durbin said the measure would “hold down fees.” The Electronic Payments Coalition blasted the bill but said it probably wouldn’t become law.

HOT SPOTS: What’s Going on in Geopolitics

  • War Games In Germany – 250 planes will participate in the biggest air exercise in NATO’s history. Germany will host the event, expected to need 10,000 participants from 23 nations.
  • Oil Disaster In Venezuela – There were at least 86 oil spills in Venezuela last year according to a report from the Venezuelan Observatory of Political Ecology. The frequency of oil spills is actually increasing in the socialist paradise. SPECIAL REPORT – If you want to know what else is causing chaos in the world oil market, don’t miss this important broadcast.

  • Putin Calls Dam Attack “Barbaric” – Russian president Vladimir Putin blamed Ukraine for the destruction of an important dam, calling it “barbaric.” Meanwhile, Ukraine still claims a “Russian act of terrorism was responsible.”

CUTTING EDGE: Whats Happening In Tech

  • No GPT-5… Yet – Sam Altman claims OpenAI hasn’t begun work on a new model for AI. “We have a lot of work to do before we start that model,” he said. “We’re working on the new ideas that we think we need for it, but we are certainly not close to it to start.”
  • Watchdog Warns On Brain Data – As companies move into neural implants, the British Information Commissioner’s Office says the information generation could be easily abused. “If you don’t know what the technology is going to reveal about you, can you really consent in advance to the processing of that personal data about you?” said one spokesman. “Because once it’s released into the open, you then have relatively lower control over it.”

  • NASA To Prevent Mass Internet Outage – NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has made it through solar wind, part of a mission to ensure Internet access to the globe. Solar wind has been widely identified as one of the most important threats to the world’s communication networks.

No, let it go down, we will get our attention spans back


“It seems so long ago now. GameStop’s 52-week high is under $48. And even that seems unimaginably high now. The final blow may have come yesterday.”

It’s finally come for GameStop. The stock is in free fall after a shakeup at the top. The company is leaning into its meme stock status, but is the party over? Mr. X has your update.

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