Bear Market Boon with Options


Date: 12/23/2022
Author: Chris Hood



The market has taken a severe beating this week.

There may be some hedge funds out there that are doing well, but most buy-and-hold investors are suffering.

It’s a slaughterhouse for anyone trying to buy the dip.

Great traders like Corey Snyder are doing well because I see him at work several times a week.

While this market has been a nightmare to most, it’s been one of our most profitable weeks in the Trade Command room.

The truth is, it’s faster and easier to make money in a bear market with options.

I love it and want to share our stories and successes.

It’s not bragging – it’s just the truth.

Corey Snyder has already closed 250 winners on this stock in the last 12 months…

Click this link to find out how

Most great traders make 60% or more of their yearly profits from November to March. Regardless of the market conditions.

Here are a few recent stories.

I challenged myself to make 40K in just one month in the Trade Command room while using as little capital as possible.

Since last Friday, the 16th, I’m over halfway to that goal…$22,959, to be exact. And I’m not using massive amounts of capital.

Rarely do I have over $10,000.00 in play at any given time.

And what I find most satisfying is that my subscribers are getting their share of these profits.

Take a look at these last five trading days.



While they don’t look like much on the chart, the flexible options strategies for trading on up days, down days, and flat days have been a boon.

Last week’s sideways action let us close numerous credit spreads and iron condors, racking up multiple wins.

Honestly, there were so many trading opportunities that I couldn’t do them all.

But that didn’t stop my subscribers from taking those trades.

We discussed them, analyzed charts in real-time, and all became better traders with fatter wallets.

I just wanted to give you a taste of what is possible

Let’s take yesterday, for example.

We closed out two SPX long puts within hours for 207.3% and 198.3% gains. The screenshot below shows just how affordable these trades can be.



With only 3,560 dollars at risk – affordable to most traders even with small accounts – we netted $7220.00.

In less than an hour.

This is just one example…there were some other nice plays as well.

If you think that’s too much money for your account, it could easily have been sized down using another ticker based on SPX, such as XSP or SPY, at 1/10 of the cost.

The key is remaining calm, planning, and following your signals.

All these things are much easier said than done. However, when you have a live coach who’s willing to stand over your shoulder and guide you, it gets much easier.

In fact, that’s one of the only ways to make this a reality.

Chris Hood


PS – If you’re struggling in this bear market, let the Trade Command Network put you on the path to profits. Come join us and get your share of gains like those we discussed.  Get in on the action by clicking the link here.

PANIC is for people who don’t have the right trading system…

The volatility has been a windfall for us – 293.2%, 161.7%, and 43.6% on SPX in under a week.

Click here for more details.

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